Girls Varsity Futsal Makes Finals Appearance

The girls varsity futsal team advanced all the way to the league finals this past week after knocking off Friends 7-2 in the semifinal. In that match, Noe was exceptional in goal, saving three PKs and making many more fantastic saves. Everyone contributed in the win, including goals by Chelsea, Zoe (two in the second half), and Genevieve. In the championship game, the girls gave it their all, but their amazing season came to an end with a 3-0 defeat to a formidable CAIS team.
After starting the season 1-3, the varsity girls demonstrated resilience and went on a four game winning streak to reach the finals. Eighth graders Amelia, Chelsea, Gabi, Izzy, Noe, Seren and Zoe W. left a lasting mark and the seventh graders on the team will look to continue their winning ways after gaining valuable experience this year. Congratulations to coach Wyatt and the varsity girls on a fantastic season.

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