О нас


Nothing is more important to us than the teaching and learning that takes place at our school. Every member of our professional staff plays a role in fulfilling the promise and potential of each child. We do this by employing passionate, curious, and engaged thought leaders in differentiating instruction and progressive education. Holding true to our school values, we actively seek to promote diversity and inclusion in our administration, faculty, and student body.
От модели совместного преподавания в младших классах до нашей приверженности постоянному профессиональному развитию и обмену опытом на всех уровнях, мы гордимся тем, что каждый сотрудник с энтузиазмом относится к обучению на протяжении всей жизни. Наша насыщенная учебная программа вовлекает учеников в практическое обучение и обеспечивает баланс между академическими, художественными и спортивными дисциплинами, а также образованием в области равенства и социальной справедливости. Наша миссия отражает важность хорошего знания каждого ученика и соответствующего реагирования - ответственность, которую разделяет каждый член нашего школьного сообщества.

Текущие вакансии

Список из 5 пунктов.

  • Lower School Division Director

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    Live Oak is hiring for a lower school division director (LSDD) to start July 1, 2025.

    Live Oak School, a K-8 independent school in the heart of urban San Francisco, believes that the best learning happens when students are actively engaged in the process — thinking deeply, exploring ideas, and trying on strategies for solving problems.

    The school’s approach to teaching and learning is deeply rooted in progressive tradition and informed by contemporary research. Live Oak anchors its instructional program around the students as individual learners, determined to prepare them for the opportunities that will define the lives of graduates in the twenty-first century.

    The LSDD supervises, coaches, and evaluates all faculty in grades K-4, and oversees several areas of the lower school academic program, including: implementation for curricular and student strategies; communication and engagement with guardians; and student success and restorative practices.

    The LSDD is a member of Live Oak’s Program Leadership Team, and reports to the associate head of school.

    12M Ed Tech Recruiting is running the search on behalf of Live Oak School. Applications received by November 18 will receive priority review. For application instructions and the full job opportunity statement, please visit: www.12MRecruiting.com/jobs/LiveOak/LSDD
  • Middle School Division Director

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    Live Oak is hiring for a middle school division director (MSDD) to start July 1, 2025.

    Live Oak School, a K-8 independent school in the heart of urban San Francisco, believes that the best learning happens when students are actively engaged in the process — thinking deeply, exploring ideas, and trying on strategies for solving problems.

    The school’s approach to teaching and learning is deeply rooted in progressive tradition and informed by contemporary research. Live Oak anchors its instructional program around the students as individual learners, determined to prepare them for the opportunities that will define the lives of graduates in the twenty-first century.

    This year, Live Oak transitioned to a new program leadership model to provide even greater support for day-to-day divisional management, while still allowing for continued progress on strategic program priorities. Both division directors (Lower School and Middle School) report to the head of divisions, who next year will become the associate head of school. Because this model was finalized only late in the spring earlier this calendar year, the school appointed one-year acting directors for both divisions from within the faculty for the 24-25 school year.

    Now, open application calls for both permanent division directors are running concurrently this fall, in advance of the 25-26 year. The MSDD supervises, coaches, and evaluates all faculty in grades 5-8, and oversees several areas of the middle school academic program, including: implementation for curricular and student strategies; communication and engagement with guardians; and student success and restorative practices. With a highly interconnected educational environment, Live Oak is excited to run both these searches at the same time— to identify mission-aligned divisional leaders eager to collaborate with each other and other members of the Program Leadership Team, which starting in 25-26 will be led by the associate head of school.

    12M Ed Tech Recruiting is running the search on behalf of Live Oak School. Applications received by November 18 will receive priority review. For application instructions and the full job opportunity statement, please visit:

    Ищем опытного руководителя внеурочных программ в независимую школу К-8 классов. Мы находимся в солнечном Потреро Хилл в Сан-Франциско. Миссия нашей школы заключается в поддержке потенциала и перспектив каждого ученика. Мы обеспечиваем прочную академическую основу, развиваем уверенность в себе и способность сотрудничать с другими, вдохновляем учеников действовать с состраданием и честностью, а также воспитываем страсть к учебе на всю жизнь. Основная обязанность руководителя программы внеурочной деятельности заключается в содействии благополучию учащихся в веселой, структурированной и благоприятной обстановке после уроков. Эта должность является неполным рабочим днем.

    Пожалуйста, подайте заявку здесь.

    Школа Live Oak всегда заинтересована в педагогах, которые хотят узнать больше о профессиональных возможностях школы Live Oak. Поделитесь своим резюме и рекомендательным письмом, если вы хотите, чтобы мы связались с вами, когда откроются вакансии, которые могут соответствовать вашим интересам и опыту.

    Пожалуйста, подайте заявку здесь 

    Школа Live Oak School ищет кандидатов для работы в качестве замещающего учителя. Опыт преподавания предпочтителен.

    Пожалуйста, подавайте заявку здесь.

A Live Oak Career...

Supports Your Entire Well-Being

Our faculty and staff enjoy a range of comprehensive health, dental, and vision benefits, along with mental health resources to support your whole self.

Builds Teamwork

You will be a valued member of a team of dedicated educators who work collaboratively to provide a one-of-a-kind education. Exchange ideas as a lower school co-teacher or build inter-curricular projects in middle school.

Fosters Learning & Growth

Staff and faculty have a wealth of professional development opportunities at their disposal. Attend a conference, undergo specialized content training, or earn a certification. Live Oak even offers funding to help you pursue an advanced degree that supports your journey as an educator.

Is Inclusive of All

Affinity spaces and events bring our staff, faculty, families, and students together in shared celebration of culture and identity. Members of our faculty & staff annually attend the national People of Color Conference and take an active role as peer leaders in Live Oak's SEED (Seeking Educational Equity & Diversity) chapter, providing important opportunities to engage in equity-driven initiatives.

Opens Doors to the World

Step beyond the classroom and help your students explore the world for themselves. With regular field trips at all grade levels, middle school outdoor education, and the school-wide Camp Live Oak you will get to experience the world and help open your students' eyes to meaningful learning.

Invites you into our community

You will be part of a dynamic community where your contributions will be integral to the life of Live Oak School, offering your unique talents, skills, and interests as a sports coach, club moderator, grade level advisor, committee member, or professional development leader.

Employment at Live Oak

List of 6 items.

  • 100%

    Expenses covered for faculty & staff to attend PD conferences and workshops, including registration, travel, lodging, and meals
  • 55%

    Faculty & staff of color
  • 61

    Faculty & staff who live in the city of San Francisco
  • 75th

    Percentile and above at which Live Oak benchmarks faculty & staff salaries, keeping them competitive with comparable schools and districts
  • 85%

    Faculty who have at least 5+ years of teaching experience
  • 90+

    Average number of annual professional development hours each faculty/staff member undergoes, including weekly in-service sessions to participation in conferences and workshops
Школа Live Oak School приветствует и принимает студентов любой расы, цвета кожи, национального и этнического происхождения, статуса гражданства, гендерной идентичности, гендерного самовыражения, сексуальной ориентации и веры во все права, привилегии, программы и мероприятия Школы Live Oak School. Школа Live Oak School не допускает дискриминации по признаку расы, цвета кожи, национального и этнического происхождения, статуса гражданства, гендерной идентичности, гендерного самовыражения, сексуальной ориентации и веры при управлении своими образовательными правилами и программами, правилами приема, программой адаптированного обучения, а также спортивными и другими программами, находящимися в ведении школы.