Вокруг мира живых дубов

One of the core values at Live Oak is knowing students well; that means everyone is able to bring all of themselves, their history, and their identity into our community. In honor of this value, the Parent & Guardian Association and the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee invite you to our fourth annual Around the Live Oak World, an all school event in appreciation of the rich cultures and family traditions at our school. Please join us on the Live Oak Rooftop on Sunday, October 6 from 1-4pm for a cross-community potluck featuring music, crafts, games, clothes, stories, and food celebrating the diversity of families, cultures, and identities at Live Oak. 
Enjoy a variety of regional and global foods while catching up with old friends and making new ones. There will be games and activities to engage the whole family, and we look forward to being all together to celebrate the start of a new school year.

Sign up HERE to volunteer to host an activity or bring in a dish representative of your family’s heritage, identity or traditions. Look for an evite early next week. We look forward to this opportunity to deepen our connections, and gather around traditions that are important to the families and identities within our school. 

Questions? Please reach out to Adrian Takyi, Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, adrian_takyi@liveoaksf.org.

Приемная комиссия

Школа Live Oak School приветствует и принимает студентов любой расы, цвета кожи, национального и этнического происхождения, статуса гражданства, гендерной идентичности, гендерного самовыражения, сексуальной ориентации и веры во все права, привилегии, программы и мероприятия Школы Live Oak School. Школа Live Oak School не допускает дискриминации по признаку расы, цвета кожи, национального и этнического происхождения, статуса гражданства, гендерной идентичности, гендерного самовыражения, сексуальной ориентации и веры при управлении своими образовательными правилами и программами, правилами приема, программой адаптированного обучения, а также спортивными и другими программами, находящимися в ведении школы.