Parent/Guardian Enrichment Program at Live Oak

At Live Oak, we strive to provide opportunities to support and enrich our entire community. We believe that the engagement and learning should not stop with our students in the classroom, but extend to our parents and guardians as well. With this in mind, Live Oak seeks to offer events that deepen alignment with our values and support families through the holistic experience of raising young people. 
We do this in a multitude of ways – through our membership with SPEAK, through events led by our faculty and administrators, and by engaging outside facilitators to share their expertise with our community.

This year, we are excited to engage in a new partnership with ISACS – the Independent Schools Association of the Central States. ISACS has put together a series of six webinars, designed for parents and guardians and hosted leading experts in the fields of education, parenting, and child development, with the intention of supporting families in all stages of their children’s growth. Live Oak families will be able to stream these webinars live or watch the recording, all free of charge. We are eager to engage with this new resource, and hope that it will provide additional support and guidance for us all as we navigate the journey of raising young people.

Additionally, we are excited to continue our tradition of Parent/Guardian Roundtables, a unique opportunity for parents to come together and discuss age-appropriate developmental characteristics and effective parenting strategies. These group discussions are designed to help you navigate your child’s social-emotional and academic development, providing a supportive space to share experiences, discuss what’s coming up at home, and explore what parenting approaches worked–or haven’t worked–for you. Join us to gain insights, connect with fellow parents, and leave with some insight into, and perhaps some practical ideas to support, your child’s growth.

Finally, at the heart of our middle school curriculum lies a profound commitment to the well-being and development of our students. Our partnership with Well Beyond Academics was established with this commitment in mind, providing crucial education during a pivotal stage in our students’ lives. This program serves multiple purposes, each aimed at fostering a safe, informed, and supportive environment for our students and families. We recognize that families play a crucial part in reinforcing lessons taught in the classroom, and this includes the lessons led by Well Beyond Academics. Information sessions will be scheduled before the lessons begin, followed by evening family events that run concurrently with the lessons themselves. It is our hope that these events grant our families the tools to feel confident in addressing issues related to puberty and substance use with their children. These sessions also provide an opportunity for parents to voice their concerns, ask questions, and gain insights from educators and experts. The program also offers peace of mind, knowing that their children are receiving comprehensive, factual information in a safe and supportive environment. For faculty, this program is also an invaluable tool in their mission to educate the whole child. It equips teachers with the resources to address sensitive topics confidently and compassionately, and it reinforces the school's commitment to student wellness.

To explore more about Live Oak’s extensive enrichment and family engagement events, we invite you to visit the new Family Engagement resource tile on the Portal where you will find a full schedule of upcoming events, as well as more information about the various organizations Live Oak works with, descriptions and contacts for family affinity networks, and more.

Приемная комиссия

Школа Live Oak School приветствует и принимает студентов любой расы, цвета кожи, национального и этнического происхождения, статуса гражданства, гендерной идентичности, гендерного самовыражения, сексуальной ориентации и веры во все права, привилегии, программы и мероприятия Школы Live Oak School. Школа Live Oak School не допускает дискриминации по признаку расы, цвета кожи, национального и этнического происхождения, статуса гражданства, гендерной идентичности, гендерного самовыражения, сексуальной ориентации и веры при управлении своими образовательными правилами и программами, правилами приема, программой адаптированного обучения, а также спортивными и другими программами, находящимися в ведении школы.