Winter Student-Athlete Spotlight

Live Oak recently recognized three student-athletes with the Winter Sports Student-Athlete Spotlight. Eighth graders Magnolia Doherty, Tula Patrick, and seventh grader Shoshi Kellerman, who participated in Live Oak basketball this year, were recognized for their hard work and leadership skills in the classroom and in athletics. Read their Q&A interviews below and learn more about these athletics leaders.
Magnolia was interviewed and asked about her thoughts on academics and athletics. Here were her responses:
В: Что общего между академическими и спортивными занятиями?
A: The connection between academics and athletics has become apparent as I have gotten older. In sports, you have to work physically hard and be mentally tough. In academics you have to be mentally strong and have the ability to try new strategies and adapt when things don’t work out. What I have found that I can apply to both is my mentality. I had a coach once tell us that the most important thing is “focusing on what you can control, effort and energy.”
Q: What facet of being a teammate do you find the most similar in both fields?
A: Since I play basketball, which is a team sport, it is very similar to a group project. Everyone has different strengths, some people are best at ball handling or shooting, and some people are good at writing or designing. However, the most important thing is to recognize that all of these strengths are equally important to the success of the group.
Q: What do you find to be the most challenging aspect of athletics?
A: I believe that the most challenging aspects of athletics are the physical and mental commitments. Physically, you push beyond fatigue and the sting of getting knocked down. However, I think the hardest part of athletics is the mental component. It's hard to find confidence in yourself and not let a missed shot or bad pass define you.

Tula was also interviewed on some of these same topics and here were her responses:

В: Чему вы научились в спортивной или академической сфере и смогли применить это в другой области?
A: Something I’ve learned while playing basketball that I was able to carry into my academic life and apply when it came to applying for high schools is self reflection and evaluation. In basketball, self evaluation is arguably the most important aspect, as recognizing that you are struggling with a skill and planning how to tackle it requires maturity and resilience. I found while dealing with high school applications, what most helped me was the self reflection skills I gained while playing basketball, considering you have to write a lot about your personal strengths and weaknesses.
В: Есть ли у вас пример для подражания в учебе или спорте? Если да, то кто это и почему?
A: As a center, I have always looked up to the aggression and effort that Draymond Green constantly leaves out on the court. When watching him play, he never forgets to fully box out opponents and go for loose balls, not to mention being aggressive in the paint, which are all skills that I work on the most. He is also a huge team player, who is never afraid to be a leader and leave it all out on the court.
Q: Have you had classmates who have made you a better student?
A: Getting to know all my classmates and being around them since kindergarten, they have all made me a better student. Studying together, learning together, and going through the high school process together has been something I’m so thankful I haven’t experienced alone. Without my Live Oak community I wouldn’t be the student I am today.

Finally, Shoshi was also interviewed on some of these same topics and here were her responses:
В: Что общего между академическими и спортивными занятиями?
A: One similarity between academics and athletics is that practicing both with persistence will help you get better. Listening to both teachers and coaches along with hard work can produce great results.
В: Чему вы научились в спортивной или академической сфере и смогли применить это в другой области?
A: I learned that if I persist and apply myself I can do some pretty tough things.
Q: What facet of being a teammate do you find the most similar in both fields?
A: Working in small groups on school projects is most similar to being on a team. Encouraging each other helps the work get done better and makes it a lot more fun.
В: Какой ваш любимый вид спорта?
A: My favorite sports are soccer and cross country because I enjoy running and getting my energy out.
В: Какой ваш любимый предмет?
A: My favorite subject is science because I find it interesting and fun.

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Школа Live Oak School приветствует и принимает студентов любой расы, цвета кожи, национального и этнического происхождения, статуса гражданства, гендерной идентичности, гендерного самовыражения, сексуальной ориентации и веры во все права, привилегии, программы и мероприятия Школы Live Oak School. Школа Live Oak School не допускает дискриминации по признаку расы, цвета кожи, национального и этнического происхождения, статуса гражданства, гендерной идентичности, гендерного самовыражения, сексуальной ориентации и веры при управлении своими образовательными правилами и программами, правилами приема, программой адаптированного обучения, а также спортивными и другими программами, находящимися в ведении школы.